Youth in the Creative Industry – ResiliArt Nepal
A new accelerator for the Creative Industries in Nepal
Following UNESCO’s global ResiliArt movement, UNESCO started ResiliArt Nepal with their first event held in September 2022. This project supports the cultural and creative industries of Nepal by capacitating youth, women, and indigenous marginalized communities. It achieves this through skills development, enabling proper work environments and opportunities, and expanding its exposure to national and international markets. Allowing the artist to share their stories to a broader audience.
The project takes on a three-pronged approach focusing on: Dialogues for the discussion of issues and recommendations, and prioritizing where capacity building is necessary. Incubators for training and skills development, pairing young artists with more established artists in their field. Showcasing events to help highlight the extraordinary young talent in Nepal and create better cooperation between international and national institutions.
Organized around the 7 creative fields of . The project acts as an accelerator for the creative industries in Nepal. In so doing it strengthens the efforts of the cities in Nepal in their ongoing applications to UNESCO’s Creative Cities Network and raises the profile of the creative industries.
By providing youth with a voice and building their skillsets for the future, ResiliArt Nepal is ensuring the sustainability of the cultural and creative industries and energizing the sustainable growth of cities. This falls in line with UNESCO Nepal’s new country strategy which has as one of its key themes “Placing culture at the heart of development”.
Raising awareness through dialogue
ResiliArt dialogues have provided an important platform for the youth and women in the creative industries, and their representation in these discussions has been essential. In September 2022 UNESCO, jointly with the organized its first ResiliArt dialogue on the theme of Music: ResiliArt Nepal: "A Sustainable Career in Music". The dialogue brought together key players and stakeholders of the Nepali music diaspora. They discussed the current state of the music industry and some of the major challenges facing young artists.
The discussion led to the shared realization that the most pressing and overall challenge is that Nepal's music industry is yet to properly address the fundamental rights of artists and musicians, including issues like fair pay, royalties and copyright protection. “Artists lack awareness of their rights” says Priyanjana Bhattarai an Intellectual property and artists lawyer based in Nepal.
For many on the panel the government isn’t doing enough to help, “The creative/entertainment industries are major forces for world economic and social development. Hence it is high time the government must pay attention.” said Stuti Sharma, head of creative at the recording company Music Nepal.
This type of response is precisely what the dialogues are trying to achieve. Not only providing a platform for youth voices but also creating awareness among government officials and within society as to the role youth should be having in these policy discussions and decisions. “Youth voice is powerful. Once they know their rights, they can demand” said Stuti Sharma.
We are motivated by this dialogue. The policy is for your rights, if it does not cover your rights, it is no good then. I seek your support in the amendment process, we expect a youth role.
Unique and powerful stories
During the second dialogue, ResiliArt Nepal: "Future of Nepali Film Industry" which took place in collaboration with the on 11 December 2022. The power of youth voices and storytelling was brought up as critical in ensuring the sustainability and growth of the Nepali film industry.
If you can keep it authentic and make it very unique. If your stories are very powerful, it evokes emotion, I think it will have all the success.
He discussed the richness in Nepali culture and the uniqueness of Nepali stories which must be shared on the global stage. For much of the world Nepal is famous only for its towering peaks, particularly Mount Everest, but apart from that little is known of its people and culture. There are strong stories to be told about this country and it is essential we equip the youth with the right skills and opportunities to share them through their own creative voices.