
Your Voice Matters: Participate in Global Survey on Indigenous Languages

Policymakers, members of Indigenous communities and members of civil society are invited to take part in a Global Survey on Indigenous Languages designed by the Ad-hoc working groups of the Global Task Force for the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL2022-2032).
Your Voice Matters

The United Nations General Assembly () proclaimed the period between 2022 and 2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032), to draw global attention on the critical situation of many Indigenous languages and to mobilize stakeholders and resources for their preservation, revitalization and promotion.  
For the organization of the International Decade, UNESCO established a Global Task Force for Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages, which has created four Ad-hoc groups made up of individual experts to advise on specific domains.

The Global Survey on Indigenous Languages focuses on the four domains covered by the Ad-hoc groups, namely:

  1. Provision of education and domains for Indigenous languages
  2. Indigenous language transmission and resilience building
  3. Recognition, status and implementation of policy for Indigenous languages
  4. Digital equality and domains

Policymakers, members of Indigenous communities and members of civil society are invited to participate in this survey and submit input by 11 July 2025. By sharing their perspectives, respondents will play a crucial role in assessing the status of Indigenous languages worldwide. 

The survey is currently available in English. It will be available in French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Turkish, Portuguese and Ekpeye shortly. (Note: the survey in Ekpeye is available in PDF format upon request to

Global Survey on Indigenous Languages

If you do not have access to the online form, please contact to receive a copy of the survey by email.