
World Press Freedom Day 2023 in Madagascar

3 May 2023 marked the 30th anniversary of the decision of the United Nations General Assembly to proclaim a World Press Freedom Day.

On this occasion, UNESCO co-organized a ceremony with the United Nations System in Madagascar, the Ministry of Communication and Culture, and its partners on the theme "Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of Expression as a Keystone of Human Rights." 

The video "History of the 30th Anniversary of World Press Freedom Day” by UNESCO Nairobi introduced the ceremony. It presented the context and impact of this critical day for Africa. Mr. Issa Sanogo, UN Resident Coordinator in Madagascar, recalled the special place of freedom of expression, which is "the first essential right of the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights, the source of all human rights" and spoke of the importance of the action plan on the safety of journalists, to protect media professionals and put an end to impunity for crimes committed against them. 

Certificate ceremony during the World Press Freedom Day 2023 in Madagascar
The officials then proceeded to award certificates to journalists who participated in UNESCO's Modules 1 and 2 "Press Freedom and Elections".

Following the ceremony, Ms. Misako Ito, UNESCO Regional Adviser for Communication and Information for Africa, gave a technical lecture at the colloquium "Guiding the Regulation of Digital Platforms" organized by the Minister of Communication and Culture. Her intervention concerned "international standards for the regulation and regulation of digital platforms, opportunities for Madagascar" and informed the audience of new provisions and recommendations on approaching this issue.

Several actions were conducted in parallel with the support of the United Nations System in Madagascar: a training of 86 journalists in Antananarivo, Mahajunga, Tuléar, Diego, and Fianarantsoa based on UNESCO modules on "freedom of expression and elections.” Two master classes gathered students in University of Antananarivo, one on freedom of expression and the other on social dialogue with the International Labor Organization, followed by a training on peacebuilding supported by the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF). Also, a radio debate was organized on the theme of the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day. 

In Madagascar, 2023 is a crucial period to protect freedom of expression, fight against fake news and hate speech, which proliferate especially on the Internet and social networks due to its electoral character. 

UNESCO reiterated its willingness to support initiatives to promote freedom of expression in the country, especially in the context of the 2023 elections. 

Audience at the ceremony for International Press Freedom Day in Madagascar, May 2023
audience listening to introduction speeches