
Webinar The UNESCO World Higher Education Conference: The Caribbean Perspectives

UNESCO IESALC has organized a webinar series on the UNESCO World Higher Education (WHEC) Roadmap. The objective of this first conversational session is to start gathering critiques, suggestions, and recommendations on the issues central to this “open document”.

At the end of the webinar series, the thoughts shared throughout the events will be included in a document submitted to the final content of this roadmap, in this case, from the Caribbean perspective.

This webinar has been organized along with the Jamaica Tertiary Education Commission of the Jamaica Ministry of Education & Youth.

Register here: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MYt0KGQiQAOAxfualLGQbw
Capture of Roadmap publication cover
Webinar The UNESCO World Higher Education Conference: The Caribbean Perspectives
Kingston, Jamaica
Rooms :
Kingston, Jamaica
Type :
Cat VIII - Symposia
Arrangement type :
Contact :