UNESCO technical mission to visit the World Heritage site in ValparaÃso to elaborate recommendations for its management
The objective is to provide the Chilean government and the Municipal Corporation in charge of the Administration of the World Heritage Site with technical advice to help guide future management practices and strategies for the conservation and protection of the site's exceptional value.
The results of the mission will also contribute to the final report on the state of conservation of the site, a document that is currently under development and that Chile should present to UNESCO in the context of the 46th session of the World Heritage Committee, which will take place mid-2023.
The visit of professionals from the UNESCO World Heritage Center will take place between November 7 and 11, 2022, a technical mission requested by the Government of Chile, and will be led by Mauro Rosi, head of the Latin America and the Caribbean Unit of the Center. It will also be advised by international expert Luis Ignacio Gómez Arriola.
The agenda for UNESCO's visit includes meetings with Julieta Brodsky, Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage, Carolina Pérez, Undersecretary of Cultural Heritage and Jorge Sharp, Mayor of ValparaÃso, and with the technical units of the Municipality of ValparaÃso, the National Cultural Heritage Service, the National Monuments Council, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, the Ministry of Public Works and the Port Authority of ValparaÃso.
Meetings will also be held with representatives of civil organizations, unions, professional associations and universities, among others, stakeholders at different levels.
"The guidelines that emanate from this visit will strengthen and help this unique site in the world, which is not only of heritage value for Chile but for humanity as a whole" said Claudia Uribe, director of the UNESCO Office in Chile.
The Undersecretary of Heritage, Carolina Pérez, appreciates the work done with different actors in the region to advance the governance of the World Heritage site. "In this context we have extended an invitation to UNESCO, because we understand the needs of the World Heritage site in Valparaiso as our own. We hope that the representatives of this organization will contribute with their valuable vision to an auspicious future and concrete actions".
The Mayor of ValparaÃso, Jorge Sharp, values the technical advice for the work already underway in the city. "This UNESCO mission is very welcome for the challenges of the Corporation we have created to manage the World Heritage site in ValparaÃso. We look forward to UNESCO's recommendations to strengthen what has been undertaken."
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