UNESCO promotes South South cooperation in bioethics

Revista de la Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Bioética / UNESCO. Año 10, Vol. 1, No. 19, January - June 2019. Special number: "Bioethics from the South"

An example of cooperation between Africa and Latin America

In pursuit of UNESCO's mandate in all its sectors to promote South-South cooperation, in line with various actions carried out in recent years with the Redbioética UNESCO and the support of UNESCO offices (Montevideo and Nairobi) now comes to light the result of a joint effort of Latin American and African experts with diverse views of bioethics. This special issue has 16 articles of experts on a variety of topics relevant to the field of bioethics.

The Journal Revista Redbioética/UNESCO is a biannual publication supported by the Regional Program of Bioethics and Ethics of Science of UNESCO (Montevideo Office), where it is based and where its design and publication are also carried out, which aspires to become a space of debate in the field of bioethics in Latin America and the Caribbean, based on the dissemination of regional perspectives and the treatment of their problems, also considered in the context of globalization and global bioethics. The journal publishes articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and is available online.


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