UNESCO launches the project Supporting Youth Employment in the Mediterranean (YEM) for Libya

From 27 to 28 November 2018 in Tunis, UNESCO held an inception meeting for the project for Libya, which is one of the beneficiary countries of the project.
Libya is one of eight beneficiary countries of the project YEM, and the is coordinating and implementing the project activities in the region in close collaboration with Headquaters. It is the cluster office for Education in Egypt, Sudan and Libya.
The inception meeting brought together a diverse group of key Libyan stakeholders from the relevant ministries (Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour) and private sector representatives who shared the views of a variety of associations and chambers. The inception meeting also included a number of key international development partners who are active in the field of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Libya.
After extensive discussions and working group sessions, potential future activities were proposed by participants for each of the targets of the project, in line with the needs and realities in Libya. The inception report and proposed national work plan for Libya will be shared with the EU for final approval, in order to launch national activities by early 2019.
YEM is a three-year project funded by the European Union and . The project aims to increase youth employment and entrepreneurship in the South Mediterranean region through the support to national authorities, the private sector, TVET providers and youth organizations in the design, implementation and evaluation of technical and vocational education and training policies strategies and programmes. The project seeks to achieve this through a consolidated regional and sub-regional approach, by establishing a regional platform for assessment and anticipation of skills needs.