UNESCO helps youth in Burundi to preserve peace
From 28 to 29 September 2015, the UNESCO House for the Culture of Peace in Burundi organized a workshop for exchange and reflection on active non-violence, radicalization of youth, democratic principles and peaceful conflict resolution mechanisms.
These two days were mainly organized for young leaders from major political parties and civil society. Participants were invited to share their experiences and best practices on active non-violence, particularly focusing on activities in the field. These exchanges have completed the achievements of trainings organized in July 2014 for the same target groups.
This activity is part of UNESCO's contribution to the various Burundi peace-building initiatives, developed through Axis I of UNDAF 2012-2016 entitled "Strengthening the Rule of Law, Consolidation of Good Governance and Promotion of Gender Equality". It aims to strengthen the capacity of Burundian youth, boys and girls, to make them "role models", willing to say no to violence; and enable them to become real actors of change and social transformation through their peers across the country.