
UNESCO develops open-source digital e-books in non-dominant languages for ethnolinguistic minority children in Asia-Pacific

Resources available in multiple languages in Cambodia, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste
Open source digital e-books in non-dominant languages

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated pre-existing inequalities in social, political, educational, and economic systems, thus promising lifelong impacts for many members of the world’s diverse societies. The already marginalized, for instance, will emerge from the pandemic even more at risk. For instance, children from ethnolinguistic communities have faced even  than their peers, including digital exclusion and the risk of being left behind due to a lack of appropriate learning materials – whether in print or digital formats – in their first languages.

Against this background, and in view of the crucial importance of improving access to digital learning materials for distance learning/or continuity of learning for ethnolinguistic minority children, UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office in Bangkok is delighted to announce, on behalf of the Asia-Pacific Multilingual Education Working Group, and with financial support provided by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), the development of open-source digital e-books in non-dominant languages, now made accessible to ethnolinguistic minority children in the GPE-eligible countries of Cambodia, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste the via the Bloom Library platform.

Project Deliverable

The project has developed more than 300 open-source digital e-books in 27 languages for three GPE-eligible countries (Cambodia, Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste). The digital e-books have been made available on the Bloom Library platform, so that children from ethnolinguistic minority backgrounds can have access to digital learning materials for continuous learning both during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can find a complete list of the project e-books uploaded to the Bloom Library platform below. Please note that some books are still in the process of being uploaded. As such, this webpage and the list will be continuously updated.

Cambodia: 86 digital e-books in 4 languages

Papua New Guinea: 107 digital e-books in 12 languages

Timor-Leste: 160 digital e-books in 11 languages

For more Information

Asia-Pacific Multilingual Education Working Group Secretariat
Email: mlewg(at)

More information about UNESCO Bangkok’s Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education work

More information on the Asia-Pacific Multilingual Education Working Group (MLE WG)

#MotherTongue #MotherLanguage #MTB #MLE #AllIncluded #InclusiveEducation #Equity&InclusionInEducation

Illustration credits (from top to bottom, left to right): Bidayuh MLE Team, ICC, Yrrah Jane Epo and Tomas Da Costa, Luke anak Francis and Deonisio da Silva Sipa, Luke Francis and Jose Seixas dos Santos and Deonisio da Silva Sipa, Gibson Rana and Jose Seixas dos Santos, Selby Otire and Petra Totome, Anonimu and Jose Seixas dos Santos, Vian Oelofsen, Asia Foundation, Anis Ka'abu and Indiana Eirena, Jeff Whetstone and Gillian Mork, Rumaizah Ismail and Tomas da Costa, Gibson Rana, Naomi Near

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