
Training workshop for young professionals: Efficacy of Nature-Based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction in Africa

Focusing on advancing action on vulnerability reduction, the workshop aims to strengthen knowledge on the role of Nature-based Solutions to cope with disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation challenges in Africa.
Photo of a stream
Training workshop for young professionals
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Rooms :
Room VII
Type :
Cat VII – Seminar and training
Arrangement type :

UNESCO and its partners will converge with environmental professionals from the African continent for a one-day online training aiming to strengthen knowledge about Nature-based Solutions (NBS) concepts, in particular their efficacy for reducing disaster risks. 

Consisting of theoretical and interactive parts, the workshop will create a space for sharing knowledge and good practices across African regions on the ways to integrate nature-based solutions to strengthen disaster resilience initiatives. Facilitated by international experts, sessions will focus on the introduction of open-air laboratories’ holistic approach and will highlight the co-creation perspectives of nature-based interventions at the community level to reduce climate risks while promoting nature conservation and management. 

The training represents a unique opportunity for students and young professionals to receive interactive feedback on their current work from international experts and expand their professional network.



  • Soichiro Yasukawa, UNESCO Disaster Risk Reduction Unit
  • Alexandros Makarigakis, UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa
  • Alberto Francioli, PeriPeriU
  • Julius Kabubi, UNDDR Regional Office for Africa

Natural hazards in Africa:

A snapshot of natural hazards in Africa, focusing on socio-economical context and international environmental frameworks at the regional level.

  • Natural hazards in Africa, overview by Professor Stanley Omuterema Muterema, Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (Kenya)
  • African Regional Disaster Risk Reduction frameworks by Julius Kabubi, UNDDR Regional Office for Africa (Kenya)

Nature-based Solutions for Disaster Risk Reduction:

  • Nature-based solutions approach and introduction of open-air laboratories concept by Professor Silvana Di Sabatino, Department of physics and astronomy at the University of Bologna (Italy)

Nature-based Solutions inspiring initiatives in Africa

Panarama of Nature-based Solutions initiatives in African regions.

  • Nature-based solutions in Africa by Yazidhi Bamutaze Makerere University (Uganda)
  • Nature-based solutions for disaster risk reduction: Insights from the Arab States region by Djillali Benouar, University of science and technology houari Boumeduiene (Algeria)
  • Nature-based flood adaptation measures in informal settlements, Mpazi sub-catchment, City of Kigali by Gretta Muhimpundu & Emmanuel Ntawukuriryayo, Rwanda Young Water Professionals (Rwanda)
  • Nature-based solutions to reduce climate change impact on drought and a framework for social equity: experiences from Southern Africa by Petra Holden, University of Cape Town (South Africa)