
The Tracker Culture & Public Policy | Focus on Culture and Climate Change

This monthly Tracker is produced by UNESCO to monitor the role of culture in public policy with regards to the UN Sustainable Development Agenda. It highlights developments within national and regional contexts, as well as emerging debates on culture's contribution to sustainable development. Drawing on a variety of sources, it provides a broad overview of cultural policy trends worldwide at the national, regional and international level and looks at ways in which countries integrate culture into other policy areas.


Climate change is the defining challenge of our time and the role of culture in climate action has long been underestimated and underutilised. The cultural sector is already beginning to feel the negative impact of climate change. Yet, natural and cultural heritage, museums, living heritage, artists and the entire cultural sector represent an untapped wellspring of potential to enhance global action.

The Cultural Policy Highlights section features the latest measures at the national level.

In the Cutting Edge section, we explore how 2021 could be a decisive year in stepping up culture's contribution to the climate change agenda. From actions to reduce the rate of climate change, adapt to its impact and change attitudes, culture is an important tool to tackle this society-wide issue. Its contribution to shaping values in the global debate, as well as translate global ambitions to locally-adapted solutions is urgent, now more than ever.

The Regional Perspectives section covers the latest developments at the regional and sub-regional level, including actions to green the cultural sector.

Member States have included in their Voluntary National Reviews efforts to adapt to climate change through culture, which are explored in the Culture in the 2030 Agenda section.

The Tracker Culture & Public Policy | Focus on Culture and Climate Change
Tracker Issue 4