Deadline: 8 May, 2024
1. Background
In 2021, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), with support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), launched the Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future PLUS (O3 PLUS) project in Zambia and Zimbabwe. With additional support from the governments of Sweden, Norway, and France, the O3 PLUS project expanded to five more countries in the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region: Kenya, Tanzania, Namibia, South Africa, and Uganda. O3 PLUS project aims to ensure that young people in higher and tertiary education institutions (HTEIs) realize positive health, education, and gender equality outcomes. This is achievable through sustained reductions in new HIV infections, unintended pregnancy, and gender-based violence (GBV), enabling them to reach their full educational potential and contribute more effectively to the development of their countries and regions as graduates, professionals, and young leaders.
In line with the O3 PLUS results framework, a mobile application has been developed to assist Zambian, Zimbabwean and Namibian tertiary students with access to sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) information and services. As mobile phones are widely used by students in HTEI campuses, the app can be a solution that offers a friendly and safe environment where young people can freely request for SRHR information and improve their knowledge of sexual and reproductive health issues. They can also get support and services in real-time through services such as counselling chat, SOS messaging and calling in.
In line with this background UNESCO is seeking the services of a professional consultancy firm to develop promotional ads for the O3 PLUS mobile apps in Zimbabwe (Future+), Zambia (OwnU), and Namibia (Buzzer). The video ads will serve as promotional and educational tools for the O3PLUS mobile apps and to inspire users to want to use the app. This video will be utilized across various platforms, including social media, websites, and events.
2. About the Assignment
The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
Attend an inception meeting with UNESCO to align expectations.
Submit video concepts and scripts before production.
Produce a high-quality 30-second main video ad for each of the 3 apps.
Five 15-30 second TikTok-style videos for each app, covering the following features in a “how-to” or “did you know” format:
How to register/create an account
Access featured articles and track reading progress.
Add and chat with friends.
Get counselling services.
Access emergency national and local services
Ensure the video is optimized for various platforms, including social media and website.
Deliver the final videos in the required format(s) and resolution(s).
3. Detailed Guidance on the Assignment
Number of videos: 18 (6 per app*) (While the content of the videos will be largely the same for all apps, each set of 6 videos will be customized to reflect the distinct name and brand of its respective app.)
Length: No more than 30 seconds for each video
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to produce videos that introduce the apps, list user benefits, and describe the features. The goal is to inspire users to want to use the app and ultimately inspire action from all stakeholders. Please note that the three apps are similar, so the videos should also be similar except for the unique name and branding of each app, therefore there will be 6 unique videos branded for the different apps, making a total of 18 short videos. The videos should be powerful, informative, and engaging, with a focus on educating and motivating young people in HTEIs to take get support and services in real-time.
Scope: The scope of this project includes alignment meeting, concept, script and storyboard development and production and editing of the final videos.
Audience: The target audience for these videos are all young people in Higher and Tertiary Education Institutions in Zambia, Zimbabwe and Namibia and other relevant stakeholders in the health and well-being of young people this include counsellors, police, lecturers, politicians, communities, parents, teachers, religious leaders, traditional leaders etc.
Deliverables: The final deliverables for this project will include the completed video in a digital format (e.g. MP4, MOV) format: 16:9.
Timeline: The final videos should be delivered within 3 weeks of the project start date.
Branding: The videos should be produced in accordance with UNESCO branding guidelines.
Budget: The consultant should provide a detailed budget for the project
Ownership and Distribution: UNESCO retains ownership of the final videos and has the right to use and distribute the videos as needed. The videos will be distributed widely and prominently across the education community, used in trainings, awareness campaigns, and other UNESCO efforts.
4. Timeline and Duration of Consultancy
The consultancy will be for 4 weeks from 10 May 2024
5. Copyright, Patents and Other Proprietary Rights
All rights, including but not limited to title to property, copyright, trademark, and patent; in any work produced by the consultant by virtue of his/her contract, shall be vested in UNESCO which alone shall hold all rights of use.
6. Submission of proposal
Interested firms may submit a proposal including technical and financial proposal as well as portfolio/company profile via email to no later than 8 May 2024.
Subject Line: Production Of Short Video Adverts for O3 Plus Mobile Applications
*All prices shall be quoted in US dollars.