
Technical and vocational education and training for hospitality and tourism: Solutions for the green and digital transition

UNESCO-UNEVOC's BILT project is organizing this conference (accessible in-person and online) to provide a platform for outlining trends in green and digital competencies in the Asia-Pacific region, with a focus on the hospitality and tourism sector.
World map with icons demonstrating green and digital practices in tourism and hospitality
TVET for hospitality and tourism: Solutions for the green and digital transition
Singapore, Singapore
Rooms :
Singapore, Singapore
Type :
Cat III - Non-governmental conference
Arrangement type :
Contact :

This bridging event will feature keynote speeches and impulse talks with policy-makers and industry partners from Africa, Asia and the Pacific, and Europe on technical and vocational education and training (TVET) strategies and policies to support the digital and green transformation in the hospitality and tourism sector. The BILT Expert Group on this topic will present interim results of their work and participants from the three project regions will share innovative TVET practices that promote transformation in the sector.