Subregional seminar "Priorities for Youth in the Digital World: Jobs and Education"
The main objective of this Seminar is to strengthen dialogue and cooperation on digital inclusion, digital jobs, and the development of digital skills for youth. Within the context of meaningful universal connectivity, the seminar will explore challenges and opportunities for the educational and socio-economic integration of all young people and their empowerment through information and communication technologies (ICTs). Likewise, this event seeks to create a space for intergenerational dialogue on closing digital gaps for vulnerable youth, with particular emphasis on young women, youth with disabilities, and youth from indigenous, rural, and remote communities, in efforts to leave no one behind in the digital world.
On the second day of the event, a celebration will be held for the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD), under the theme "Digital Innovation for Sustainable Development". The goal is to promote the exchange of experiences and best practices in innovation, entrepreneurship, and skills development as tools for meaningful youth participation in the digital economy.
Who should attend?
The event is aimed at youth from Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay, as well as leaders, policy-makers, and decision-makers in the ICT, Education, and Labor sectors. Academia, as well as other educational institutions and digital training programs, national and regional youth organizations, particularly those focusing on vulnerable youth, funding agencies and donors for development projects and initiatives (SDGs), and other stakeholders, including the private sector and the third sector, are invited to participate and contribute.