
Special Saturday dedicated to Criança Esperança, 31 August 2013

The general public will have the opportunity to meet people benefited by Criança Esperança Programme in TV Globo’s special schedule of broadcasting shows during the whole Saturday (August 31) that will be dedicated to the programme.

During the whole day, the general public will have the opportunity to learn about some of the 86 projects benefited by Criança Esperança in 2013. The TV show “Mais Você”, run by Ana Maria Braga, will show Salvador (Bahia) to learn about the Educarte project, of the institution Lar da Criança, which shelters orphan children and adolescents, who were abandoned or mistreated. After that, the TV show “Encontro com Fátima Bernardes” will be dedicated to the theme, besides having the special guests Renato Aragão and Viviane Senna in the studio. It will also show the children of Flauta Mágica Cultural Institute, in Cuiabá (Mato Grosso). Led by the baton of conductor Gilberto Mendes, the project has already trained more than 2 thousand infant musicians in the last 10 years. They have recorded two CDs and they have made several tours around Brazil and Europe. The TV show will also visit the association Luta pela Paz, founded by the Scottish boxer Luke Dowdney that teaches boxing and martial arts to young adults of 17 communities of Complexo da Maré, Rio de Janeiro.

The special agenda dedicated to Criança Esperança will begin at 6 a.m. with the TV show “Globo Cidadania” presented by Sandra Annenberg and recorded at Espaço Criança Esperança Rio de Janeiro (ECE-RJ). After that, the Saturday schedule is strengthened by the morning shows of Globo TV such as the news broadcast “Bom Dia Brasil” and the shows called “Mais Você”, “Bem Estar” and “Encontro com Fátima Bernardes”, which will be live and with interviews related to Criança Esperança. In the afternoon the news broadcasts and shows such as “Estrelas”, “TV Xuxa” and “Caldeirão do Huck”, which will exceptionally be live will also be based on themes of solidarity and hope. In the evening, after the soap opera “Amor à Vida” the great celebration will begin with a special show having the participation of more than 20 popular artists. The show and the Mesão da Esperança (The Big Table of Hope) will be directed by Luiz Gleiser.

On Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., the Mesão da Esperança will be shown during the broadcasting shows of Globo TV. Alex Escobar, Ana Furtado, André Marques, Glenda Koslowski, Glória Maria, Sandra Annenberg, Tadeu Schmidt, Tiago Leifert and Zeca Camargo will lead around 200 artists that will alternate to answer telephone calls of TV watchers and to encourage more people to join the solidarity chain in favour of children and youth of the country. Sunday, September 8, will be the last day that people can donate via telephone to Criança Esperança, and the Mesão da Esperança will again take place during the TV show “Domingão do Faustão”.

Phone numbers to make donations in Brazil:
0500 2013 007 to donate R$ 7,00*
0500 2013 020 to donate R$ 20,00*
0500 2013 040 to donate R$ 40,00*

*R$ 0,39 + taxes per call made by regular telephone
*R$ 0,71 + taxes per call made by cell phone

  • International donations can be made only through the .

All grants donated by the general public are directly deposited at UNESCO’s bank account and they have no fiscal deduction.

Source: Globo TV/Criança Esperança Programme.