South Sudan Commemorates the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

South Sudan joined the rest of the world to commemorate the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Committed against Journalists from 2-3 November 2020 in Juba. The national event was marked under the theme “Promoting a safe and Conducive Media Enviroment for Journalists in South Sudan”. The event drew participants from government, parliament, media associations and houses, journalists, academia, CSOs, lawyers and Judges.
At the opening of the 2-day engagement, Hon. Baba Medan, Deputy Minister for Information, Telecommunication and Postal Services noted that the government was committed to promoting freedom of expression and access to information in the country as already instituted in the laws of South Sudan such as the Transitional Constitution 2011, the Media Authority Act, 2013 and the Access to Information Act,2013. Having the laws in place has been backed by the establishment of line institutions such as the Media Authority that has been mandated with extending support to Journalists. The deputy minister also encouraged journalists to be professional and continue building their capacities as they carry on their work.
While Mr. Elijah Alier Kuai, Managing Director, Media Authority, highlighted achievements of the Media Authority since its establishment in 2017, he stated that “the roles of security organs and media stakeholders are being streamlined to enhance a conducive media enviroment with respect for human rights essential to promote democracy and good governance. In addition, the Authority has investigated and successfully resolved and mitigated over 60 media complaints and cases of breach and violation of media laws, a total of 175 media enterprises from different categories have been officially registered by the Media Authority to operate legally in the country and bout 900 international journalists have been accredited to perform their functions since February 2017”.
Further, Ms. Mary Ajith, chairperson of the Association for Media Development in South Sudan, called on stakeholders to continue support and harmonize efforts that are aimed at promoting media development in the country. She noted that cooperation and adopting a multi-stakeholder approach will result into the realization of a stronger working media group and establishment of the national mechanism on safety and protection of journalists.
Ms. Doreen Loboka, UNESCO Communication Specialist, urged the government to protect journalists and ensure that perpetrators of crimes against journalists are held accountable. She called on the judges and prosecutors to swiftly and effectively handle such criminal proceedings. By ensuring justice, only can the cycle of impunity be stopped and fundalmental freedoms such as freedom of expression, access to information and sustainable development can be realized.
The 2-day engagement aimed at strengthening capacities of the various stakeholder groups represented on issues related to freedom of expression and safety of journalists. As a result of the workshop, a number of recommendations (listed below) were highlighted by participants that are aimed at strengthening capacity and development of the media sector and ensuring safety and protection of Journalists. For instance;
- Support to the finalization of the Journalists Code of Ethics
- Support to establishment of the National Mechanism on safety and protection of journalists
- Continued training for journalists in the capital Juba and the states on physical and digital safety
- Need for security personnel/agencies, journalists, judges and lawyers to be trained on the media laws.
- Need for the government to support full establishment/formation of the specialized committees within the Media Authority as per the Media Authority Act, 2013.
This year’s national event was jointly organized by the South Sudan Female Journalists Network, Union of Journalists of South Sudan, local media houses and civil society organizations with support from UNESCO’s Multi-Donor Programme on freedom of expression and safety of journalists, British Embassy and Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)