
S.Oleum Project

Felipe de Olviveira Morbi is convinced that the macaúba is part of the solution. He believes that this Brazilian tree can help meet the demands of the world’s population for food, energy and sustainability goals.
 A photo of a woman with a hat planting a Macauba plant

Macaúba is the starting point of the S.Oleum project launched by Felipe de Olviveira Morbi. This project is currently being structured. Naturally present in several regions of Brazil, the Macaúba is distinguished by its high productivity and its ability to adapt to the most unfavourable climatic conditions. This native species of Brazilian biodiversity is adapted to poorly conserved land and develops well with other species, forming highly productive agroforestry systems. It offers many possibilities for the food and energy industry: biofuels, oils and green chemicals. 

This project is based on research conducted since 2007. It proposes the large-scale development of macaúba forests, agroforestry systems and industrial clusters for the production of sustainable raw materials. 

S.Oleum has installed a nursery with a production capacity of 1 million macaúba plants and set up a 700-hectare demonstration area, testing macaúba with several other crops, including food cultures. 

1 job per 10 hectares planted 

Initially, 250,000 hectares will be planted in degraded or poorly managed areas of the Cerrado biome in the South-East and Central-West regions of Brazil, in the states of Minas Gerais, Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul. 

S.Oleum expects to generate 1 job for every 10 hectares planted, with the prospect of 20,000 direct jobs. Felipe de Olviveira Morbi plans to develop integration and training programmes for local communities to work at S.Oleum, as well as the development of projects with local partners to meet community needs. 

Do you want to discover macaúba? 


A photo of a doe in a green environment looking at the photographer
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A photo of a green landscape in Brazil after the reforestation of Macauba
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A photo of a young woman checking macauba plants in a sustainable garden
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Project began: 01/05/2007 

Leading organisation: Sun NRG Participações Ltda - S.Oleum Partners 

The country where the team is based: Brazil 

Covered Countries: Brazil 

Theme: Biodiversity, Local and Indigenous Knowledge 

Sub-themes: Forests and desertification, Knowledge sharing, Natural resource management, Sustainable living 

Tag: #Women #Youth 

Project needs

  • Communication strategy design 
  • Digital communication 
  • Graphic design 
  • In search of financial partners 
  • Legal 
  • Logistical support 
  • Partnerships development 
  • Press relations 
  • Research 
  • Strategy/advocacy 
  • Volunteer workforce 

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