
Silk Roads Heritage Corridors project in Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Iran as part of the International Dimension of the European Year of Cultural Heritage

Culture 1

Duration: 2018 – 2024

Donor: European Union

Central Asia, Afghanistan, and Iran occupy a pivotal position at the crossroads of the historic Silk Roads, a vast network of trade and communication routes that connected the East and the West. Over the course of three millennia, the constant movement of people and goods along these routes facilitated a remarkable exchange of knowledge, ideas, beliefs, customs, traditions, and expertise. These cultural treasures continue to flourish in these territories, shaping the rich heritage and expressions found within them today.

The living heritage along the Silk Roads not only provides communities with a sense of identity and belonging but also strengthens their resilience during periods of rapid social transformation. It serves as a foundation for dialogue, peace, and mutual understanding among communities within and across countries. Moreover, this heritage plays a crucial role in promoting sustainable development in the region.

In light of this. UNESCO and the European Union jointly launched the Silk Roads Heritage Corridors project in Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Iran as part of the International Dimension of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018.

The project has three key objectives:

a) Strengthening capacities for the safeguarding of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. b) Raising awareness and promoting the common cultural heritage along the Silk Roads. c) Utilizing heritage as a foundation for sustainable development, including the development of sustainable heritage-based tourism.

In Uzbekistan, the project's implementation focuses on two main areas. Firstly, it aims to preserve cultural heritage through the rehabilitation of the Bogbonli Mosque in Khiva and the development of the Destination Management Plan and Sustainable Tourism Strategy for Itchan-kala, a World Heritage property. This component not only contributes to heritage preservation but also fosters tourism development in the region.

Secondly, the project supports the safeguarding and developing the traditional craftsmanship and entrepreneurship among local communities, including women and youth. By building their capacities, it creates income-generating opportunities and employment prospects for the local population.

Through these initiatives, the project seeks to safeguard and promote the invaluable cultural heritage of the Silk Roads, ensuring its safeguarding for future generations while leveraging it as a catalyst for sustainable development and prosperity in the region.