
Setting the Gender Agenda for Communication Policy

New proposals from the Global Alliance on Media and Gender
Setting the gender agenda for communication policy
Vega Montiel, Aimée
Macharia, Sarah
Global Alliance on Media and Gender

Editors : ; 
ISBN : 978-92-3-100321-9
Collation : 173 pages


The global media landscape has evolved dramatically since the Fourth UN World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995) was held, when media were recognized as critical for the advancement of women and the achievement of equality between women and men.

The position papers in this publication respond to the need for contemporary policy on gender and media. They have emerged out of conversations on the need to update the issues arising since Beijing, while at the same time make a case for the centrality of media and ICTs for gender equality and women’s rights’ struggles. These papers provide a basis to interrogate existing norms of inequality and to strengthen gender equality within the media landscape.

Written by members of the Global Alliance for Media and Gender, the papers assess contemporary issues often such as the persistent gaps in gender equality in and through the media. They explore how these hinder work towards the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Organized in four sections, the papers present the salient issues respective to the facet under discussion, the evidence on progress, persistent gaps and emerging concerns, good practice examples, and authors' recommendations directed primarily at media organizations and relevant State bodies.