
Science-Policy Workshop on Climate Change Impacts in Major Mountainous Regions of the World

UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme (IHP) is organizing on 23-24 January 2014 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, a Synthesis Science-Policy Workshop on Climate Change Impacts in Major Mountainous Regions of the World, building on the outcomes of three regional workshops organized in 2013. The workshop will discuss a global overview paper and policy brief, and aims at enhancing dialogue and promoting further research and outreach activities on climate change impacts in mountain regions.

Within the framework of UNESCO’s Climate Change Platform Project, ‘Climate Change Impacts in Major Mountainous Regions of the World’, IHP in cooperation with the Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat has organized three regional workshops to gather inputs from Asia (Kathmandu, Nepal, March 2013), Latin America (San Jose, Costa Rica, August 2013) and Africa (Nairobi, Kenya, September 2013).

The workshop will gather policy-makers, experts and stakeholders to review the recommendations from the regional workshops and discuss the topics of climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, risk management and policy directives for climate-resilient development in mountain areas. A global overview paper and policy brief will also be discussed during the workshop.

The outcomes of the workshop will be brought to the attention of governments and UN agencies, and will feed into the processes of the Post-2015 Development Agenda. Furthermore, the outcomes will contribute to other processes such as the World Mountain Forum and the 20th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 20) that will take place in Lima, Peru in 2014.