Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in basic education in Namibia and Zimbabwe
Budget: US$ 355,860
Location: Namibia and Zimbabwe
Dates of implementation: 01/06/2022 - 01/06/2024
(Source: Flanders Funds-in-Trust)
The innovative and transformative methodology of learning with living heritage will be embedded in a whole-school community-based approach and will entail capacity building for teachers and all relevant stakeholders.
This project will be implemented on two levels. At the national level, UNESCO will engage national counterparts to maintain direct contact with the Governments of Namibia and Zimbabwe and their institutions responsible for policy, curriculum division and heritage, as well as facilitate discussions between decision-makers and local actors. At the local level, UNESCO will collaborate with international and local experts, who will provide the required technical expertise in the context of capacity building and training activities and collaborate with international and regional organisations in order to provide needed training to the local stakeholders. Moreover, the project will be included in the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework as part of the UN Country Team actions.