
Request for Proposal for Construction Project Manager

Request to submit a written proposal for a work assignment with UNESCO

UNESCO is inviting written proposals from Individual Specialist as Construction Project Manager for the work assignment to be posted in Palo City, Leyte, the Philippines as described in attachment A.

To enable you to prepare a proposal for this assignment, please find attached the following documents:

 (a) ;

 (b) UNESCO’s contract for Individual Consultants, the contracting modality used for these assignments (See attachment );

Your written should comprise:

(a)    A technical proposal consisting of:

  • An up to date curriculum vitae for the required skills and qualification,
  • Description on how each of the basic requirements in the TOR could be addressed and / or elaborated and may provide technical advice on options for UNESCO to consider to include any other necessary features  to support the construction of the Girls Education Centre and its corresponding facilities located in the compound of the DepED Regional Office 8 in Brgy. Candahug, Palo,
  • An approach and methodology for the assignment to reflect a feasible and sound methodology and show how quality control, prompt delivery of services and internal technical and quality assurance review mechanism for the works will be achieved.
  • A work plan with specific treatment of key deliverables and priorities to indicate the necessary timeframe for the completion of the deliverables.
  • Comments on the Terms of Reference if any (in brief).

(b)    The amount to be charged for the assignment, which should be quoted in US dollars only. Please show any travel costs separately.

Your proposal and any supporting documents must be in English.

UNESCO places great emphasis on ensuring that the objectives of the work assignment, as described in the Terms of Reference are met. Accordingly, in evaluating the proposals for the assignment, attention will focus first and foremost on the technical elements. From those proposals deemed suitable in terms of the criteria in the Terms of Reference, UNESCO shall select the proposal that offers the Organisation best value for money.

Your proposal should be submitted by e-mail no later than close of business (17.00) on 31 July 2020. E-mail proposals should not exceed 5MB.

The e-mail address is:


It is the individual’s responsibility to ensure that his/her proposal is received by the deadline.

Thank you for your interest in this UNESCO assignment; and we look forward to receiving your proposal.
