
Regional Experts Meeting on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development in the Arab States

Under the Patronage of HE Mr. Mohammad Al-MashnouK, Minister of Environment, and the participation of HE Mrs. Bahia Hariri, Chairperson, Education and Culture Parliamentarian Committee; UNESCO Regional Bureau – Beirut is organizing the Regional Experts Meeting on Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development in the Arab States (5 - 7 May 2015).

The Opening Session (Tuesday, 5/5/2015) at the Riviera Hotel – Beirut will include speeches for Dr. Hamed Ben Saif Alhamami, Director UNESCO – Beirut, and Dr. Mouin Hamze, Vice-President, National Commission for UNESCO/Secretary-General, National Council for Scientific Research.

The Expert Meeting programme will discuss themes and issues related to Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development (CCESD) in the Arab Region, and the mechanisms to involve youth, learners, and communities through education and training programmes (General Education-TVET, Higher Education/ and Non-Formal Learning). National, Regional, and International experiences on CCESD will be shared between 75 officials and experts from 16 Arab countries, Kenya, New Zealand, UN-International/Regional Organizations, and Civil Society-NGOs.

A Road Map for CCESD in the region will be developed based on four Sub-Regional Studies prepared for the Meeting, in line with the World Conference on ESD Declaration and the Global Action Programme (GAP-ESD) launched in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan, 12 November 2014.