
"Radicalization and Terrorism": launch of an online course free and open to all

22 October 2019, Tunis, Tunisia. In partnership with UNESCO, UNOCT and the Virtual University of Tunis, the Manouba University and the Arab Institute for Human Rights are launching the 3rd edition of an online course for young people in the Arab region entitled "Radicalizations and Terrorism". The MOOC, free of charge and open to all, has already received over 2900 subscriptions.


The MOOC was conceived and created in the aftermath of the 2015 attacks in Tunisia. Entitled "Radicalizations and Terrorism", it analyses the phenomenon of terrorism by calling for a multidisciplinary reflection and offering innovative ways of understanding and combating radicalization.


The MOOC is hosted on the renowned and international platform "France Université Numérique", and accessible via . It will thus benefit from greater visibility and a  larger registration capacity than in previous editions. The aim is to raise awareness among young people beyond Tunisia's borders and to encourage exchange and dialogue between several countries in the region.


In addition to online trainings, the course will include interventions from sociologists, psychologists, historians, human rights specialists, geo-strategists and political scientists from Tunisia, France, Egypt, Morocco and Germany, in order to decipher the phenomena of radicalization and terrorism, as well as their causes and their manifestations. These interventions will take the form of weekly webinars.


The course will last seven weeks and will focus on various themes: "Terrorism in time and space"; "Terrorism in the name of Islam"; "Deficits and vulnerabilities: breeding ground for terrorism"; "Terrorist factories"; "The world of the terrorist"; "From citizen to 'terrorist': The processes of radicalization" and "Acting against terrorism". The format is structured in 28 texts and videos of 5 to 7 minutes, in Arabic, French and English. It combines reflections by academics with testimonies of repentant people and families of jihadists, the perspectives of some artists, studies by analysts and concrete experiences around these expressions of political and social violence.


The launch of this 3rd edition is part of the joint UNESCO-UNOCT project: "", co-funded by Canada, which aims to strengthen local youth-led initiatives through an inclusive, multidisciplinary and participatory approach in the fields of education, culture, communication and information to prevent violent extremism.


Practical information:

  • The MOOC targets young people and adolescents, students, educators, teachers and trainers, imams and preachers, decision-makers and politicians, members of associations and anyone interested in the phenomenon.
  • Learners will discover a new chapter each week and can interact with their peers through weekly learning activities planned to help achieve the course objectives. Quizzes are also available, as well as videos and texts.
  • Registration for the MOOC is open since 14 October 2019 on the FUN platform. to register.


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