
Putting gender on the water agenda: Latin American women united for water

Río Bravo’s Basin Council, along with the Community of Women in Water (CWiW /CMA) and the Valuing Water Initiative are holding a side-event for the UN 2023 Water Conference, entitled “Women and Water in Latin America”. As part of the official programming of the Conference, this event will hold the first regional meeting of Latin American women united for water in New York City, in order to identify and strengthen ties for the generation of networks and the establishment of a regional gender and water agenda.
Close up view of ecologist sampling water from the river with test tube


The Community of Women in Water (CWiW) is an organization founded in 2019 and currently comprised of nearly 800 professional women from around the world. In July 2021, a women's group was created as a pilot to share information only in Spanish, which today has more than 70 members from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, as well as those interested in the region, but residing in Spain, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Sweden. CWiW's main objective is to strengthen the capacities of women professionals working in the water sector.

The United Nations Water Conference 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the "Conference") is an opportunity to make visible the state of the art in the field of Gender and Water at the international level, and also with respect to the regions, which in the case of our region is Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). It is the ideal scenario to discuss the challenges and opportunities of working as women in the water sector and to better involve women in water decision making in the region.

Echoing the recent efforts of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), which spearheaded the "Regional Water Dialogues 2023" as input to the Conference - supported by other organizations such as FAO, CODIA, OAS, among other civil society organizations - the "Regional Water Action Agenda for Latin America and the Caribbean" expressly recognizes "the need and opportunity to incorporate the voices of all stakeholders, especially those of rural communities, the voices of the territories and of Afro-descendant, indigenous, women, girls, boys and young people".

Several representatives of the CMA will be participating in the main events, and parallel events, according to their areas of expertise, but with a gender focus as part of their participation agenda.

The Women in Water Community considers it is vital to make use of the space provided in the official program of the Conference in order to convene and channel the participation of LAC women to contribute with a regional agenda and commitments to propose to regional leaders and organizations, so that specific mechanisms can be established to strengthen the participation of LAC women in decision-making and action spaces, with greater impact on the integrated management of water resources.


  • Welcome: Marissa Mar/Diana Ulloa
  • Diagnosis of gender and water in LAC. ECLAC -10 mn
  • Gender and water initiatives within UNESCO programs. 10 mn
  • Valuing multiple perspectives on water and gender and intergenerational empowerment of women in Latin America: the experience of the Latin American Youth Coalition. Gloria Alvarado, Diana Ulloa and Geisel Sanchez. 20 mn
  • Necessary commitments to accelerate gender equity in the regional water space. Marissa Mar Pecero. 10 mn


  • Main organizers: Río Bravo’s Basin Council; The Community of Women in Water (CWiW /CMA); Valuing Water Initiative.
  • Co-conveners: Fundación Futuro Latinoamericano; Fundación Suwo Di/Youth Network for Water Central America; Coastal Solutions Fellows Program at Cornell University; Cooperativa de Aguas el Patagual Ltda, Red Agua Ecuador; Asociación Mexicana de Hidráulica (AMH); Intergovernmental Hydrological Program for Latin America and the Caribbean (IHP-LAC) of UNESCO/Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC).