Protecting water in German biosphere reserves
UNESCO biosphere reserves are unique ecosystems and cultural landscapes. Water underpins the diversity of animal and plant species and is essential for the sustainable use of nature. In 2016 and 2017, the German Commission for UNESCO and Volvic will again promote projects to secure water resources in biosphere reserves.
‘By 2050, the demand for water from agriculture, households and industry will increase by over 50 per cent worldwide. Already many places are suffering from water shortages. One of the biggest challenges in the coming decades is to protect this valuable resource, because without water there is no life. UNESCO biosphere reserves in Germany are a model for sustainable water use and long-term conservation of this resource. Thanks to the support of Volvic we can support UNESCO biosphere reserves in their work until 2017’, says Dr Lutz Möller, Deputy Secretary-General of the German Commission for UNESCO.
Corinna Ortner, Managing Director of Danone Waters Germany, adds: ‘Our goal is to combine economic growth, social development and sustainability. We not only protect our mineral resources and the catchment area in the place of origin, but we also want to make a contribution to water protection throughout the country.’
The German Commission for UNESCO and Volvic have promoted water protection projects in German Biosphere Reserves since 2008. Eighteen projects have been already supported.
There are currently 15 UNESCO biosphere reserves in Germany which promote sustainable living of humans and nature. Worldwide, 651 UNESCO biosphere reserves operate together in 120 countries.