
Passing of Patricia Tatiana Rodríguez Castillo

Patricia Tatiana Rodríguez Castillo, who was the administrator of the Biobío National Reserve which is part of the core zone of the Araucarias Biosphere Reserve, passed away last Saturday 20 February 2021 in Santiago, Chile after a long treatment.

Patricia, or Patty as she is remembered by those close to her, had an extensive and dedicated career in the National Forestry Corporation, where she worked as an official, park ranger and administrator of National Reserves in the Araucanía Region. Patricia stood out for her dedication to service, for being a passionate advocate for women's rights and for reaching out to the indigenous communities in her hometown of Malalcahuello.

It is with great sadness that the UNESCO MAB community bids farewell to an exemplary colleague. We pay tribute to Patricia's vocation and express our sincere condolences to her loved ones.