
Namibia reviews Technical and Vocational Education and Training; Higher Education; and Science, Technology and Innovation Systems

The Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation hosts the first United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) scoping mission to Namibia from 18th to 28th April 2016.


The UNESCO scoping mission to Namibia is an initiative of the Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation and which, together with UNESCO, strongly supports the review of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Higher Education and Science, Technology and Innovation System in Namibia. During the mission, UNESCO technical experts and a complementary team from Namibia will hold discussions with the relevant Government Ministries, institutions and stakeholders.


The aim of the mission is to assist the newly established Ministry in defining policies and programmes related to the three pillars of the Ministry (Higher education, Training and Innovation) by assessing the current status of TVET, higher education and innovation in Namibia, identify strategic priorities and proposing alternative interventions responding to those priorities. It also aims to consider the contribution of TVET, higher education and innovation to overall development goals such as poverty eradication as highlighted in the Harambee Prosperity Plan.


The overall goal is to support the definition and implementation of evidence-based policies, aligned with the country’s context and development strategies as well as the international development frameworks, particularly the United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development.  Special focus will be given on how the youth and adults can be equipped with the skills needed for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship; while also underpinning inclusive and sustainable economic growth considering resilient and sustainable infrastructure building and industrialization.


The mission is led by Dr Borhene Chakroun who is he Head of the section in charge of TVET at UNESCO Headquarters and is leading the implementation of the UNESCO TVET Strategy adopted in 2009.


The mission also consists of François Leclercq, UNESCO expert on TVET at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France; Hassmik Tortian, Programme Specialist in UNESCO’s Higher Education Section in charge of quality assurance in higher education, and policy dialogue (also at UNESCO Headquarters); Peggy Oti-Boateng, Senior Programme Specialist for Science and Technology in the UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa in Harare, Zimbabwe and also serves as the Coordinator for the African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions (ANSTI) comprising of over 208 institutions in 37 countries in sub-Saharan Africa; Carolyn Medel-Anonuevo, Head of the Education Unit in the UNESCO Regional Office for Southern Africa. External experts that are part of the mission are: Angela Chasha, the Acting Head of Academics at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, Botswana Campus; Professor Mayunga Habibu Hemedi Nkunya, (formerly with Inter-University Council for East Africa); Professor John Ouma-Mugabe, Professor of Science and Innovation Policy at the Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM), University of Pretoria and founding Director of the Foundation for Innovation and Technology-Africa (FIT-Africa) in Pretoria, South Africa;  Naomy Lintini from the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Malawi dealing with Economy and Labour Market; and  Dato’ Gail Phung, Senior Vice President, Corporate Development of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, worldwide.