Namibia advances on strengthening climate information and early warning systems for enhanced adaptation planning and resilience
The inception workshop for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Project proposal on “Strengthening Climate Information and Early Warning Systems for Enhanced Adaptation Planning and Resilience in Namibia” was launched on 31st October 2023 in Windhoek by UNESCO in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Food Programme (WFP), The Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub, the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) and the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT).
This multi-stakeholder initiative will enhance the country’s adaptation planning, increase climate resilience, and address the lack of reliable climate information, skilled personnel, and climate risk management programs. Furthermore, the workshop responds to Namibia’s needs and priorities to foster stakeholder engagements and develop project proposals for successful resource mobilization efforts.
During the workshop, stakeholders discussed priorities around forecasting and the dissemination of climate services and early warning systems as well as coordination of disaster risk reduction in the country.
In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Petrus Muteyauli, Deputy Director in the Multilateral Environmental Conventions, Department of Environmental Affairs and Forestry at MEFT and National Designated Authority, emphasized that climate action was an important development issue that can’t be ignored to achieve the adaptation goal of a climate-resilient Namibia by 2030.
Mr. Paulus Ashili, Deputy Director for Policy Analysis and Coordination in the Directorate of Disaster Risk Management in the OPM noted that climate change models are predicting severe climatic hazards in Namibia, and we must be prepared well as a country, especially through early warning systems, to give our communities access to real-time information.
Ms. Uazamo Kaura, Programme Specialist at the UNDP Country Office, presented on the SANIED Project preparations and highlighted the priorities of an Integrated National Early Warning and Disaster Risk Reduction for strengthened resilience of systems. Then the project preparation team presented the SANIED draft Inception Report and broke up into groups to map key stakeholders and identify priority areas. Ms. Siying Tan, the Junior Professional Officer at UNESCO Headquarters, presented the Roadmap of SANIED and detailed the proposed field mission and plan of work.
Going forward, there will be meetings organized in different regions to further input from various stakeholders. These consultations will include the general public, private organizations, and development partners with the purpose of ensuring a thorough and comprehensive process with broad inputs.