Meeting with UNESCO National Commissions on the International Decade for Indigenous Languages (IDIL2022-2032)
Online meeting addressed to the UNESCO National Commissions to present the International Decade for Indigenous Languages (IDIL2022-2032).
7 May 2024
Meeting with NATCOMs on the International Decade for Indigenous Languages
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Rooms :
Room VI
Type :
Cat VII – Seminar and training
Arrangement type :
Language(s) :
As the International Decade for Indigenous Languages (IDIL2022-2032) progresses into its third year, the UNESCO National Commissions are invited to participate in our IDIL National Commissions meeting to get to know about the different initiatives currently undertaken under IDIL and various opportunities to engage in the preservation and revitalization of indigenous languages. Participation in this event is strictly limited to National Commissions. The link to join the online meeting will be provided in the formal invitation.