Join the post-2015 consultation on environmental sustainability!
The post-2015 global consultation on environmental sustainability is currently in full swing. This is one of a series of national and global thematic consultations convened by the United Nations Development Group to help shape the post-2015 development agenda.
It is hoped that this dialogue will stimulate creative thinking on how to put global development on a more environmentally sustainable path. Innovative ideas can be transformed into solutions that can shape the post-2015 future.
During the first phase of the consultation – from now until January – people are invited to propose topics and questions for further exploration by responding to the and sharing experiences on the online platform.
Early in 2013 the consultation will bring together leading thinkers to review submissions from the first phase of the consultation. Authors of some of the discussion notes may be invited to participate in the meeting. The selection of topics for a more focused in-depth online discussion will be made in February and March. The summary report will be an input to the High Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda, as well as to the inter-governmental debate on the post-2015 development agenda starting with the 2013 UN General Assembly.
UNESCO is actively contributing to this consultation through an intersectoral approach and encourages everyone to join the consultation.