
“It's today's youth that will decide Tunisia's future”

Such were the opening words of the Advisory Group on Youth set up in Tunisia by UNESCO and the European Union within the framework of the NET-MED Youth Project. Held in Tunis on 5 and 6 December 2014, the workshop gathered around 60 representatives of key Tunisian civil society organizations acting for youth, representatives from UNESCO, the European Union, the United Nations and Tunisian Ministries, and experts and researchers.

“Our Group should become a real Think Tank for Youth, and beyond youth organizations it should also include young executives and decision-makers,” insists Salma Jrad, of the Young Independent Democrats Association. “The challenge is to also work in the regions in order to assert the legitimacy of our Group and nurture our scope of intervention,” added Selim Ayadi, of the Tunisian Association for Alternative Media.

Following intensive and sociable exchanges facilitated by UNESCO specialists, three thematic areas of intervention were defined as follows:

  • Elaboration of a national public youth policy;
  • Enhancement of representation and contribution of youth to public media and;
  • Reinforcement of means of action to weigh in the follow-up of programmes related to training and youth employment.

Composed of 12 youth organizations selected because of their mandate, expertise and motivation, following a wide call for applications launched by UNESCO, the Advisory Group includes:

  • Association 2 mains Tu Crées (A2TC);
  • Association des Médias Alternatifs;
  • The International Institute of Debate (IIDebate);
  • Youth Decides;
  • Jeunes Indépendants Démocrates (JID);
  • Jeunesse sans frontières-Tunisie (JSF);
  • Lam Echaml;
  • Ligue des Electrices Tunisiennes (LET);
  • Reso;
  • Sawty;
  • Taabir;
  • ճܲ’A.

These participating associations will benefit from substantial support from UNESCO in order to strengthen their advocacy, communication, and strategic planning skills, as well as their expertise on youth issues. They will also be able to share their experience with young people from other countries in the region.

Acting as a genuine steering committee, this Group is part of the Networks of Mediterranean Youth Project (NET-MED Youth), implemented by UNESCO and supported by the European Union, which has already committed 12 million USD to the project for the next three years. The Project covers ten countries from the Western and Eastern Basins of the Mediterranean Sea.

For more information about NET-MED Youth in Tunisia, please contact