Invitation to Bid
You are invited to submit a bid for Renovation Works for Chega National Center Building at Antigo Comarca Balide, Avenida de Balide, Dili, Timor-Leste in accordance with the present solicitation document.
The Invitation to Bid (ITB) consists of this cover page and attached annexes.
Your Electronic Bid (e-bid) submitted through email should reach the following email address of (without cc to any other email address), no later than 28 October 2023, 18:00 Jakarta Time (GMT+7) in strict compliance with the instruction as stipulated in the Solicitation
Documents. Please list email subject as: E-BID - DO NOT OPEN: ITB Ref: No.JAK/ED/ITB/23/020. Kindly use a zip file (.zip or a google drop box) to submit bulky attachments.
Bidders are kindly requested to acknowledge the receipt of the ITB using the Intention to Bid Form on Annex IV to
For and on behalf of UNESCO
Education Unit Jakarta
Mee Young Choi, Head of Education