
Innovation for Strengthening Public Policies on Human Rights Education for the City of São Paulo

Homeless population

The following project is a partnership between the Human Rights and Citizenship Secretariat from Sao Paulo City (Secretaria de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania de Sao Paulo - SMDHC) and UNESCO in Brazil. The project is expected to improve the city policies on human rights and a culture of peace by reinforcing the concept of "right to the city" and strengthening the transversality of human rights throughout all city secretariats, particularly the municipal education secretariat.

Guia PopRua – a guide for the homeless population

On 27 August, SMDHC in São Paulo City launched the publication in Portuguese entitled Guia PopRua. It gathers information on available tools on the rights of the homeless population, indicating where and how to access them.

The Policies developed this guide for the Homeless Population Coordination of the SMDHC and the Intersectoral Committee of Municipal Policy for the Homeless in cooperation with the UNESCO Brasilia Office. The publication focuses on democratising information about the service and care network for the homeless population in São Paulo city. The homeless group has had its status even more aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. 

This guide is also a tool for guaranteeing the rights of the homeless population in the biggest metropolis in Brazil.

It clarifies how and where they can look for support and assistance. Beyond the available public policies (municipal and others) to the homeless, this material also systematises the information related to assisting other groups, such as women, the elderly, children and adolescents, the LGBTI+ population, and immigrants. It presents the services, day and opening hours, places to look for employment, education,  housing policy and other specialised institutions.

Besides, it approaches issues like professional conduct during police approaches, access to judicial and citizenship services, and orientations to those addicted to alcohol and other drugs. The publication is available in digital format on the SMDHC website. In addition, SMDHC will distribute some printed copies to institutions assisting the homeless.

Homeless population