The history of humanity from the visions of the original peoples of Latin America
On September 24 2020 at 5:00 p.m. (Buenos Aires time), the prepublication of the book "Return to the Origin: Ancestral Narratives about humanity, time and the world" will take place. It has narrations from six original Knowers and was edited by Eduardo A. Rueda, Ana MarÃa Larrea, Augusto Castro, Óscar Bonilla, Nicolás Rueda, and Carlos Guzmán. This text is the result of a project and research supported by UNESCO and that collects the narratives and visions of native peoples about the history of Humanity.
The manuscript contains stories of six native communities of Ecuador, Peru and Colombia, about the origins and trajectories of humanity which were recorded through direct interviews with them, within the framework of solid bonds of solidarity and, in several cases, deep friendship with them and their communities.
The project seeks to promote the approach and social use of the different forms of knowledge of indigenous peoples, framed in the initiative promoted by UNESCO from the .
In this instance, it seeks to capture the different views of native people about the origin and trajectory of humanity, thus giving rise to the plurality of historical spaces and anthropological times, in a theme where hegemonic versions prevail. Through this work and by making visible different understandings of the journey that humanity has made over time, it is intended to “promote pluralism in the humanities especially in relation to traditional indigenous knowledge and, in particular, of promote multi and transdisciplinary research ... "
The presentation will be held in virtual mode on September 24 at 5:00 p.m. (Buenos Aires time) and will feature the opening of Lidia Brito, Director of the UNESCO Montevideo Regional Office for Science and Karina Batthyany, CLACSO executive secretary. Pablo Vommaro will be in charge of commenting on the work.
This will be followed by a discussion with the authors with the moderation of Susana M. Vidal, Specialist of the Philosophy and Humanities program and the presence of Eduardo A. Rueda (COLOMBIA), Ana MarÃa Larrea (ECUADOR) and Augusto Castro (Peru ). Eduardo A. Rueda will be in charge of closing the event once the dialogue is over .
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