Harmony in Motion: Celebrating Vesak through Dance, Music and Cultural Expression
25th Anniversary of the United Nations Proclamation of the International Day of Vesak
Vesak is the most significant event in the Buddhist calendar, and commemorates the birth, the enlightenment and the passing of the Buddha
Vesak is the most significant event in the Buddhist calendar, and commemorates the birth, the enlightenment and the passing of the Buddha
23 May 2024
Harmony in Motion: Celebrating Vesak through Dance, Music and Cultural Expression
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Rooms :
Room II
Type :
Cultural performance
Arrangement type :
The International Day of Vesak is commemorated annually at UNESCO Headquarters.
In Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the UN Proclamation of the International Day of Vesak the Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO in collaboration with other Permanent Delegations, is organizing a cultural evening themed ‘Harmony in Motion: Celebrating Vesak through Dance, Music, and Cultural Expression’ at UNESCO House on 23rd May 2024, from 6 pm to 8 pm.
Organized by the Permanent Delegation of Sri Lanka to UNESCO.
- Under invitation : dl.sri-lanka@unesco-delegations.org
125 avenue de Suffren
75007 Paris
Metro: line 10 Ségur-UNESCO, line 6 Cambronne, line 8 École militaire
Bus: 28, 87, 80, 82
Vélib Stations: 7018 ( Ségur) or 7013 (Duroc)