
Good practices in Education for Sustainable Development in SIDS

The Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO, in collaboration with the UNESCO Education Sector, will co-organize a side event during the 220th UNESCO Executive Board.
Education for sustainable development
Good Practices in Education for Sustainable Development in SIDS
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Rooms :
Room IX
Type :
Cat VII – Seminar and training
Arrangement type :
Language(s) :

The event will underscore the critical role of ESD, showcasing successful initiatives supported by the Japan Funds-in-Trust and led by countries, and will foster dialogue on sustainability.

This event seeks to explore what is necessary to advance ESD by presenting successful, concrete initiatives at national level. Good practices from Cabo Verde and Saint Kitts and Nevis will be highlighted. The event aims to inspire reflection on how to further ESD in line with specific challenges in various national contexts.