
Global screening of Ari Folman's film "Where is Anne Frank" by UNESCO Field Offices

Image d'une scène du film Où est Anne Frank ! d’Ari Folman
Global screening of Ari Folman’s Where is Anne Frank! by UNESCO Field Offices
UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France
Rooms :
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Film screening
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“Where is Anne Frank” is largely based on the diary of Anne Frank. The film recounts the fate of the families in the secret annex in Amsterdam during the Holocaust and describes the situation in present-day Europe from the point of view of Kitty, Anne’s imaginary friend.

Inscribed into UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register, Anne Frank’s diary collection remains one of the most widely read books and a key reference for the genocide of the Jews for audiences around the world. The Anne Frank Fonds Basel was created in 1963 by Otto Frank and publishes the diary worldwide.

The film is accompanied by  developed by the Anne Frank Fonds in partnership with UNESCO, that teach learners about the history of the Holocaust, antisemitism, asylum and human rights.