
Global Media and Information Literacy Youth Hackathon

The UNESCO annual Global Media and Information Literacy Week is a major occasion for stakeholders to review and celebrate the progress achieved towards “Media and Information Literacy for All” and a UN international Day.

Global MIL Week 2021 will be hosted by South Africa from 24 – 31 October, 2021 under the theme: Media and Information Literacy for the Public Good. You can register to participate in the online feature conference via the link: Deadline forregistration is 18th October, 2021

For Youth Agenda Forum, youth aged between 18 and 35 years from local schools, universities, youth centresand youth organizations, as well as youth leaders from around the globe, are invited to participate by inscribing their teams in the competition. The winning teams and the outcome of the Hackathon will be presented during the Global Media and Information Literacy Week Youth Agenda Forum on 27 October 2021.
Apply via the link: Deadline forapplication is 3rd October, 2021.

We look forward to your participation and please do not hesitate to contact UNESCO should you have more questions.