The GEO-Schemas Project: Empowering National Stakeholders for Effective Management of Geological Heritage in Latin America, the Caribbean, West - and North Africa (Arab States)
The GEO-Schemas Project
UNESCO Global Geoparks are tools to help people (re)develop a sense of pride in their region and strengthen their sense of belonging to the land and increase civil engagement, economic development. The diversity and uniqueness of the geological heritage of Latin America and the Caribbean, West Africa and the Arab States can also be considered great assets for local, inclusive and sustainable economic development. However, awareness surrounding the importance of UNESCO Global Geoparks, aspiring Global Geoparks and geopark projects, as well as the economic and non-economic values of their geosites remains low, especially amongst decision-makers and policymakers.
From 2021-2023, AECID- the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation, supported a UNESCO project to promote awareness-raising on the UNESCO Global Geoparksp concept with key decision-makers, as well as capacity-building with UNESCO Global Geoparks stakeholders on Geotourism as an engine of local, inclusive sustainable development and the geological sciences and geological heritage.
This official closing event will celebrate some of the principal project outcomes, including a toolkit for developing geotourism strategies in UNESCO Global Geoparks, a course and methodology for awareness raising and capacity-building on the geosciences, and the Geoparks in Conversation podcast series. It will also celebrate knowledge exchange and capacity-building between and within Latin America, the Caribbean, West - and North Africa (Arab States).