
Egypt Welcomes New Members to the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities

Egyptian Cities Join UNESCO's Lifelong Learning Movement: Alexandria, Sharkia, and Zefta Embrace Education for All
Alexandria Learning City

Paris, 14 February 2024 – The UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) has expanded its reach with the addition of 64 cities from 35 countries, including the inclusion of three cities from Egypt – Alexandria, Sharkia, and Zefta. This recognition comes as a result of their continuous efforts in promoting lifelong learning at the local level.

The UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities serves as an international platform for cities that have shown exceptional dedication to fostering lifelong learning within their communities. Alexandria, Sharkia, and Zefta were recommended for membership by a panel of experts due to their strong commitment to lifelong learning, demonstrated by the local government's initiative and successful policy implementations.

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, in commending the new admissions, stressed the crucial role of cities in making education accessible to individuals of all ages. The network, which now includes 356 member cities worldwide, facilitates knowledge sharing and paves the way for lifelong learning opportunities for over 390 million citizens.

Alongside other new members from various countries, the Egyptian cities will co-lead the #ImALifelongLearner campaign, which aims to mobilize learners globally and advocate for the #RightToEducation for individuals of all ages.

The UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities complements the mission of UNESCO by promoting inclusive and quality learning across all sectors, engaging institutions, civil society, and employers. These efforts aim to revitalize learning in families and communities and facilitate learning in the workplace, while also leveraging modern learning technologies.

For more information about the #ImALifelongLearner campaign, the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, and the database of member cities, visit the UNESCO website.

The addition of these new learning cities signifies Egypt's dedication to promoting lifelong learning and further emphasizes the importance of education for all. Joining this global initiative will open doors for knowledge sharing and continued progress in the field of education for the benefit of its citizens and the global community.

For more information about the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities and UNESCO, please visit