Press release

Director-General calls on Brazil to bring the killers of radio journalist Weverton Rabelo Fróes to justice

UNESCO observatory of killed journalists

UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay has condemned the murder of journalist Weverton Rabelo Fróes in Planaltino, in the Brazilian state of Bahia, on 4 April.

I condemn the murder of Weverton Rabelo Fróes. I call on the authorities to shed light on the motives and circumstances of this crime against an individual and against society as a whole. Impunity must not be allowed to embolden those who use violence to undermine press freedom, access to information, and the fundamental human right of freedom of expression.
Audrey Azoulay, UNESCO Director-General

Fróes, also known as Toninho Locutor, was shot by an unidentified assailant outside his home. He was the host of a humorous programme on local Radio Antena 1 and the founder and owner of a local amateur radio station.


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