With the coordination of UNESCO, the SDG 4 Regional Steering Committee approved its 2022-2025 Work Plan
The plan, framed within the 2022 Declaration of Buenos Aires and the Transforminf Education Summit (TES) follow up, was reviewed during the RSC meeting in Mexico and discussed with the national cooperation commissions with UNESCO and ministries of education from the three subregions: South America, Central America, and the Caribbean, thus allowing the incorporation of important contributions.
With broad participation from the Committee members, the plan was approved almost unanimously. Overall, the plan comprises five key areas: development of political-technical dialogue; establishment of a Permanent Forum for Educational Recovery and Transformation; promotion of research and publications; follow-up to global education summits and strengthening of the institutionality of the SDG4 Regional Steering Committee.
The meeting also addressed other relevant issues, such as topics discussed at the recent "sherpa" meeting of the SDG4 High-Level Steering Committee in Paris by the end of May 2023. A balance of the annual activities was provided, and future plans were outlined, highlighting the upcoming Extraordinary Meeting of Ministers of Education of Latin America and the Caribbean, which will take place on January 25 and 26, 2024, in Santiago, Chile.
The work of the SDG 4 Regional Steering Committee meets the objective of strengthening regional educational cooperation to achieve the SDG 4 targets. The Committee also supports countries in fulfilling the commitments established within the framework of the Transforming Education Summit to prioritize education and accelerate the achievement of the SDG 4 targets of the 2030 Agenda.