The Conservation and Management of Tell es-Sultan
Budget: 1.2 million USD
Project duration: 2022-2025
Location: Tell es-Sultan, Jericho, Palestine
Funded by The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS).
Tell es-Sultan / Ancient Jericho is located in modern-day Jericho in the West Bank, Palestine. Archaelogical evidence suggests that the site dates back over 10,000 years, making it one of the oldest continuously inhabited towns in the world. Despite the exceptional significant value of the site, it is facing challenges related to its conservation and management. The site requires special interventions to unearth its significance to the public and harness the site's potential, which this project aims to address.
The project will work towards effectively conserving and managing the historic Tell es-Sultan site, making it more accessible to both local and international visitors. This includes restoring the site's physical features and archaeological remains while also developing informative materials for display.
Additionally, there is a focus on enhancing the skills of national stakeholders and professionals involved in heritage conservation and tourism promotion. This involves providing training to Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities professionals for preserving and interpreting the site's archaeological treasures and collaborating with local community members and groups to boost its promotion.
The partners of the project are:
- Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (MOTA) of Palestine
- UNESCO Ramallah Office
- Sapienza University of Rome
- Municipality of Jericho
- Palestinian Academic institutions
Tell es-Sultan is currently on the .