
Community-Level Practical Conservation Education

To actively support conservation actions carried out by communities, the Impact Madagascar team created an environmental education programme that provides practical skills and long-term solutions.
Picture of a group of children and teenagers around a man teaching them about conservation and showing soil

Josia Razafindramanana, co-founder of Impact Madagascar, and the entire team of this Malagasy NGO are convinced that environmental educational should connect protecting biodiversity with the needs of local populations.

Based on this conviction, they built and launched a practical education outreach programme at their Dabolava site (Menabe) in 2014, which has since been duplicated in four other regions. In addition to raising awareness and sharing information, Impact Madagascar also offers practical solutions and hands-on training. 

Practical education and skills 

The NGO adapts its projects and activities for different audiences. Primary school children take part in hands-on activities and outings – for example, discovering the reforestation and restoration projects at the NGO’s tree nurseries. In villages, local households and schools receive training on practical environmental skills such as hygiene, healthy living, water purification, recycling, waste management and gardening. Families also improve their access to energy – for example, learning how to make fuel-efficient rocket stoves. Large-scale awareness campaigns focus on the importance of conservation, protecting the environment, preventing wild animal hunting and trafficking, and stopping the use of bush fires. 

This combination of practical training, research and awareness is already producing results. In the coming years, Impact Madagascar is looking to continue its environmental programmes, while reinforcing practical solutions to shared environmental problems to help communities face the challenges generated by climate change. 

Impact Madagascar is actively seeking funding and student volunteers. Would you like to help?


Picture of a group of children and teenagers watering newly planted crops
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Picture of a man teaching people in a village about plastic bottles
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Picture of children and teenagers using hay to protect fertile soil
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Project began: 01/12/2019 

Leading organisation: IMPACT Madagascar 

The country where the team is based: Madagascar 

Theme: Biodiversity, Education for Sustainable Development 

Sub-themes: Energy, Food and food security, Forests and desertification, Gender equality and women's empowerment, Knowledge sharing, Sustainable lifestyles 

Tag: #Africa #Women #Youth 

Project needs

  • Communication strategy design 
  • Crowdfunding 
  • Equipment supply 
  • Financial management 
  • Graphic design 
  • Monitoring and evaluation 
  • Partnerships development 
  • Sponsorship/ Philanthropy 
  • Volunteer workforce 

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