Communication and information
UNESCO actively undertakes various initiatives to promote freedom of expression, safety of journalists, access to information, media development, journalism education, and media and information literacy. Through these efforts, the organization aims to enhance the capacity of relevant governmental and non-governmental organizations and media professionals, and empower the media to assume a key role in fostering dialogue, democracy, and development.
Policy making
UNESCO actively aids its Member States in the process of consolidating diverse laws concerning information and media, into a comprehensive Information Code. This Code serves as a unifying framework encompassing crucial aspects such as the right to information, access to information, freedom of expression, press freedom, pluralism, and the safety of journalists. The objective is to harmonize and strengthen legal provisions pertaining to these critical areas, providing a robust and inclusive framework for the promotion and protection of information and media-related rights.
Our office has been closely engaged in providing comprehensive review of the draft Information Code. This overview highlighted the key changes required to align it with international standards on freedom of expression, providing general comments on structural issues. Additionally, a detailed analysis of the Information Code, specifically focusing on articles related to accessing information held by public authorities, was prepared. This analysis delved deeper into the specific issues pertaining to access to information and outlined the necessary changes to bring the legislation in line with international standards. The results were presented and discussed at the roundtable on 7 July 2023.
The analysis conducted highlights that further improvements are required to ensure the draft Information Code is comprehensive and in line with international standards. Recognizing this, UNESCO and the Agency of Information and Mass Communications (AIMC) will continue their collaborative efforts to refine the Code into a strong and effective legal document that serves the interests of the public, media, and the government.
Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists
In collaboration with the General Prosecutor's Office, UNESCO successfully conducted a three-day training session titled "Dialogue with Prosecutors on Cases of Crimes against Journalists and the Protection of Freedom of Expression" in Tashkent in August 2022. As part of the subsequent actions, 91麻豆国产精品自拍 translated its Guidelines for Prosecutors on Cases of Crimes against Journalists, Guidelines for Judicial Actors on Privacy and Data Protection, and the Global Toolkit for Judicial Actors: International Legal Standards on Freedom of Expression, Access to Information, and Safety of Journalists into Uzbek. These resources serve as valuable tools to enhance the capacity of prosecutors and judicial actors in Uzbekistan, providing them with essential guidance and best practices to effectively address crimes against journalists, protect freedom of expression, ensure privacy and data protection, and uphold international legal standards in this domain.
Access to Information
As the custodian of SDG indicator 16.10.2, UNESCO takes responsibility for monitoring access to information. Recently, the organization conducted its annual survey to gather the most up-to-date data on access to information laws and their implementation. This survey tracks progress in terms of the adoption and enforcement of constitutional, statutory, and/or policy guarantees for public access to information. The survey findings will be shared with UNESCO Member States and integrated into significant reporting mechanisms at the international level, including the annual UN Secretary-General SDG Progress Report.
UNESCO together with the Government of Uzbekistan, and in particular the Agency of Information and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan (AIMC), organized successfully the 2022 edition of the International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI) in Uzbekistan. The objective of the conference was to provide a platform for all the stakeholders to participate in international discussions on Artificial Intelligence, e-Governance and Access to Information.
The Tashkent Declaration was adapted and it opened new prospects of e-government services and AI to inform and empower citizens in an inclusive way. Followed by the Tashkent declaration, UNESCO agreed with the AIMC and other National Media partners to continue supporting the implementation of the National Digital Strategy 2030, foster Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists, build the National Media and Information Literacy competency capacities, guiding civil servants in Artificial Intelligence competencies, developing the Artificial Intelligence Ethics, providing expertise on the drafting of the Unified Information Code, promoting new inscriptions on the Memory of the World and improving the human rights to privacy and data protection.
Media and Information Literacy (MIL)
In the period from 2020 to 2021, UNESCO successfully carried out an extrabudgetary project titled "Youth for Social Harmony in the Fergana Valley," which included an assessment of media and information literacy (MIL) among young people in the region. The MIL assessment specifically targeted young men and women aged 15 to 30 years old in schools, universities, and NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) in Andijan, Ferghana, and Namangan regions.
The primary objective of the MIL assessment in the Fergana Valley was to identify and measure the region's readiness in terms of MIL, while also evaluating the competencies of young people in accessing, evaluating, utilizing, and sharing information and media content. By equipping youth with these essential skills, they can unleash their potential, become active citizens, and contribute to their communities.
Recognizing the significance of MIL as a fundamental component of 21st-century competencies, UNESCO aimed to provide accurate and reliable data on MIL to policymakers, decision-makers, educational planning institutions, and teacher training organizations. Additionally, individual teachers were supplied with tools for self-assessment and self-improvement, enhancing their ability to impart MIL skills to their students.
The MIL assessment carried out in Uzbekistan holds immense importance, given the transformation taking place in both the traditional media landscape and the emerging social media platforms. This assessment not only provides invaluable insights into the levels of MIL among the youth but also highlights the opportunities and risks associated with the media's role in sustaining peace.