
Climate Science Literacy in Asia and the Pacific

An interagency project to promote climate science literacy in Asia and the Pacific
Climate Science Literacy

To advance Climate Science Literacy across Asia and the Pacific, the United Nations in Asia-Pacific has developed a series of posters, social media graphics, and videos.

The following United Nations Agencies have jointly developed the climate science literacy materials: UNESCO, ILO, IOM, UNDP, UNDRR, UNEP, UN ESCAP, UNFCCC, UNICEF, and UNOSSC.

The materials are available free of charge for public adaptation and distribution under Open Access CC-BY-SA 3.0 IGO. Please click on the posters, social media graphics, and videos below to download the high-resolution version.

If you would like to translate the materials into additional languages, please contact bangkok(at) to receive editable design files.

Poster series

Please click your interested launguage(s) to download a series of 28 Posters:


Climate Science Literacy posters

Social Media Graphics:

A series of 25 Social Media Graphics that can be used on Social Media Platforms.

Please click on the individual graphics or  to download all graphics as a .ZIP package (7 MB).


Climate Science Literacy social media graphics


A series of 3 Videos. Please click on  or the individual videos.

Climate and Poverty

Climate and Hunger

Weather versus Climate

The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this poster series do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNESCO, ILO, IOM, UNDP, UNDRR, UNEP, UN ESCAP, UNFCCC, UNICEF, and UNOSSC concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.  

The ideas and opinions expressed in this poster series are those of the authors; they are not necessarily those of UNESCO, ILO, IOM, UNDP, UNDRR, UNEP, UN ESCAP, UNFCCC, UNICEF, and UNOSSC and do not commit the Organizations.  

By using this content of this poster series, the users accept to be bound by the terms of use of the UNESCO Open Access Repository (). Open Access is not applicable to non-UNESCO photos protected by copyright in the poster series. 

#ClimateScienceLiteracy #GreeningEducationPartnership #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #InterSectoralProject #InterAgencyProject

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