Capacity Building Training on Gender, Communication and Community Radio Toolkit for Teachers

[Ti岷縩g Vi峄噒 ph铆a d瓢峄沬]
Ha Noi, Viet Nam - In October 2021, UNESCO Office in Viet Nam, in partnership with the Department of Teachers and Educational Administrators (DTEA) of the Ministry of Education and Training, organized a virtual capacity building training workshop for 59 key teachers (30 women and 29 men) in We are ABLE project schools. The project is working with 24 lower secondary schools in the provinces of Ha Giang, Ninh Thuan and Soc Trang. The training workshop focused on gender-sensitivity and student-led communication. It also aimed to provide teachers with knowledge and skills to implement the in school.

The training workshop was divided into three sessions over three weeks. The first session provided an overview of approaches to communication for development (C4D), communication for behaviour change (BCC) and gender-sensitive communication. The training鈥檚 participatory and interactive design created opportunities for teacher trainees to cultivate theories, express their thoughts and opinions, and play with the knowledge via individual sharing, group discussions, games and Q&A. sessions These activities required the trainees to reflect and challenge the status quo of gender stereotypes in communication messages. Through this, they learned to develop a gender-sensitive communication plan for lower secondary students under the trainers鈥 guidance.

The second session focused on the importance of student participation in school communication activities, followed by the introduction of the . It included practical tools in various formats, allowing several options for a school radio programme depending on the scale, human resources, technical equipment and creativity. By participating in group discussions and games, trainee teachers participated in hands-on activities to discover these tools. Additionally, the training presented some online applications and platforms to implement their community radio programs in lower secondary schools.
In the last training session, applying learnt knowledge, skills, and tools, trainee teachers presented their school radio programme plan and sample products to the trainers and their peers as interviews, role plays, and a news broadcast. They all reflected gender sensitiveness and inclusion while placing students in the role of the creators.

UNESCO Office in Viet Nam will conduct follow-up support for teachers in implementing the Community Radio Toolkit in their school radio programme.
About the project: The 'We are ABLE' project has four main areas of focus and targets roughly 16,000 persons 鈥 ethnic minority secondary school students, teachers, principals and education officials, parents and community members in three selected provinces. Over 9,000 of these individuals are female, including 6,000 girls aged 11-14 from 24 lower secondary schools. The project has been implemented in Viet Nam since 2019 in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Training, and the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs, with the funding from the Malala Fund for Girls鈥 right to Education supported by the CJ Group.

H脿 N峄檌, Vi峄噒 Nam 鈥 Th谩ng 10 n膬m 2021, v膬n ph貌ng UNESCO t岷 Vi峄噒 Nam, ph峄慽 h峄 v峄沬 C峄 Nh脿 gi谩o v脿 C谩n b峄 qu岷 l媒 gi谩o d峄 (C峄 NGCBQLGD) 鈥 B峄 Gi谩o d峄 v脿 膼脿o t岷, t峄 ch峄ヽ t岷璸 hu岷 n芒ng cao n膬ng l峄眂 cho 59 gi谩o vi锚n (30 n峄 v脿 29 nam) t峄 c谩c tr瓢峄漬g tham gia d峄 谩n Ch煤ng t么i C贸 th峄, t岷璸 hu岷 theo h矛nh th峄ヽ tr峄眂 tuy岷縩. C谩c th岷, c么 gi谩o 膽岷縩 t峄 24 tr瓢峄漬g trung h峄峜 c啤 s峄 t峄 c谩c t峄塶h H脿 Giang, Ninh Thu岷璶 v脿 S贸c Tr膬ng. Tr峄峮g t芒m c峄 t岷璸 hu岷 l脿 c谩c chuy锚n 膽峄 truy峄乶 th么ng c贸 nh岷 c岷 gi峄沬, truy峄乶 th么ng do h峄峜 sinh ch峄 膽峄檔g d岷玭 d岷痶 v脿 . T岷璸 hu岷 nh岷眒 trang b峄 cho gi谩o vi锚n ki岷縩 th峄ヽ v脿 k峄 n膬ng 膽峄 tri峄僴 khai C么ng c峄 truy峄乶 th么ng c峄檔g 膽峄搉g c峄 UNESCO trong tr瓢峄漬g h峄峜 theo ti岷縫 c岷璶 h峄峜 sinh l脿 ng瓢峄漣 d岷玭 d岷痶 v脿 ti岷縫 c岷璶 nh岷 c岷 gi峄沬.

T岷璸 hu岷 膽瓢峄 chia th脿nh 3 bu峄昳 trong 3 tu岷. Bu峄昳 膽岷 ti锚n cung c岷 t峄昻g quan v峄 truy峄乶 th么ng v矛 ph谩t tri峄僴 (C4D - communication for development), truy峄乶 th么ng thay 膽峄昳 h脿nh vi (BCC 鈥 behaviour change communication) v脿 truy峄乶 th么ng nh岷 c岷 gi峄沬. V峄沬 thi岷縯 k岷 c贸 t铆nh t瓢啤ng t谩c v脿 膽岷穞 h峄峜 vi锚n l脿m trung t芒m, t岷璸 hu岷 膽茫 t岷 kh么ng gian cho c谩c h峄峜 vi锚n trau d峄搃 l媒 thuy岷縯, b脿y t峄 quan 膽i峄僲, chia s岷 tr岷 nghi峄噈 c谩 nh芒n, tham gia ho岷 膽峄檔g nh贸m, tr貌 ch啤i v脿 h峄廼-膽谩p. C谩c ho岷 膽峄檔g n脿y 膽貌i h峄廼 c谩c th岷 c么 tham gia suy ng岷玬 c农ng nh瓢 ph岷 bi峄噉 l岷 nh峄痭g 膽峄媙h ki岷縩 gi峄沬 trong c谩c th么ng 膽i峄噋 truy峄乶 th么ng. Qua 膽贸, gi谩o vi锚n 膽瓢峄 th峄眂 h脿nh x芒y d峄眓g k岷 ho岷h truy峄乶 th么ng nh岷 c岷 gi峄沬 cho h峄峜 sinh trung h峄峜 c啤 s峄 d瓢峄沬 s峄 h瓢峄沶g d岷玭 c峄 c谩c t岷璸 hu岷 vi锚n.

Bu峄昳 t岷璸 hu岷 th峄 nh岷 m岷h s峄 tham gia c峄 h峄峜 sinh trong c谩c ho岷 膽峄檔g truy峄乶 th么ng t岷 tr瓢峄漬g h峄峜 c贸 媒 ngh末a r岷 quan tr峄峮g, 膽峄搉g th峄漣, gi峄沬 thi峄噓 t脿i li峄噓 . T脿i li峄噓 ch峄゛ 膽峄眓g c谩c c么ng c峄 h峄痷 铆ch d瓢峄沬 nhi峄乽 h矛nh th峄ヽ, gi煤p gi谩o vi锚n c贸 th峄 l峄盿 ch峄峮 c谩c ph瓢啤ng ph谩p ph霉 h峄 cho ch瓢啤ng tr矛nh ph谩t thanh t岷 tr瓢峄漬g, t霉y theo quy m么, ngu峄搉 l峄眂, trang thi岷縯 b峄 t岷 nh脿 tr瓢峄漬g v脿 s峄 s谩ng t岷 c峄 c谩c em h峄峜 sinh. Tham gia c谩c tr貌 ch啤i v脿 c谩c th岷 lu岷璶 nh贸m, c谩c gi谩o vi锚n 膽瓢峄 tr岷 nghi峄噈 m峄檛 s峄 ho岷 膽峄檔g th峄眂 h脿nh 膽峄 c霉ng hi峄僽 s芒u h啤n n峄痑 vi峄嘽 v岷璶 d峄g c谩c c么ng c峄. Ngo脿i ra, t岷璸 hu岷 vi锚n c农ng h瓢峄沶g d岷玭 m峄檛 v脿i 峄﹏g d峄g v脿 n峄乶 t岷g tr峄眂 tuy岷縩 膽峄 ph峄 v峄 cho vi峄嘽 tri峄僴 khai ch瓢啤ng tr矛nh ph谩t thanh 峄 c谩c tr瓢峄漬g trung h峄峜 c啤 s峄 tham gia d峄 谩n.
Trong bu峄昳 t岷璸 hu岷 th峄 ba, c谩c th岷 c么 tham gia t岷璸 hu岷 膽茫 峄﹏g d峄g ki岷縩 th峄ヽ v脿 c么ng c峄 膽茫 膽瓢峄 gi峄沬 thi峄噓 tr瓢峄沜 膽贸 膽峄 th峄眂 h脿nh x芒y d峄眓g k岷 ho岷h cho ch瓢啤ng tr矛nh ph谩t thanh M膬ng non, 膽峄搉g th峄漣 tri峄僴 khai m岷玼 m峄檛 k峄媍h b岷 ph谩t thanh theo h矛nh th峄ヽ ph峄弉g v岷, 膽贸ng k峄媍h v脿 b岷 tin. T岷 c岷 c谩c s岷 ph岷﹎ 膽瓢峄 th峄 hi峄噉 膽峄乽 c贸 t铆nh bao tr霉m v脿 nh岷 c岷 gi峄沬, 膽峄搉g th峄漣, t岷 c啤 h峄檌 膽峄 h峄峜 sinh 膽瓢峄 膽岷穞 v脿o v峄 tr铆 kh峄焛 x瓢峄沶g v脿 th峄眂 hi峄噉.

Sau t岷璸 hu岷, v膬n ph貌ng 膽岷 di峄噉 UNESCO t岷 Vi峄噒 Nam s岷 ti岷縫 t峄 h峄 tr峄 c谩c th岷 c么 谩p d峄g t脿i li峄噓 C么ng c峄 truy峄乶 th么ng c峄檔g 膽峄搉g 膽峄 tri峄僴 khai ch瓢啤ng tr矛nh ph谩t thanh M膬ng non t岷 tr瓢峄漬g.
V峄 d峄 谩n: D峄 谩n 鈥淐h煤ng t么i C贸 th峄冣 t岷璸 trung v脿o 04 l末nh v峄眂 v脿 ti岷縫 c岷璶 kho岷g 16.000 ng瓢峄漣, g峄搈 h峄峜 sinh d芒n t峄檆 thi峄僽 s峄 t岷 24 tr瓢峄漬g trung h峄峜 c啤 s峄, gi谩o vi锚n, c谩n b峄 qu岷 l媒 gi谩o d峄 v脿 c谩n b峄 gi谩o d峄, cha m岷 h峄峜 sinh v脿 ng瓢峄漣 d芒n c峄檔g 膽峄搉g t岷 ba t峄塶h d峄 谩n. Trong s峄 膽贸, h啤n 9.000 n峄 gi峄沬 v峄沬 6.000 tr岷 em g谩i trong 膽峄 tu峄昳 t峄 11 t峄沬 14 thu峄檆 24 tr瓢峄漬g trung h峄峜 c啤 s峄 s岷 膽瓢峄 ti岷縫 c岷璶. D峄 谩n 膽瓢峄 tri峄僴 khai t岷 Vi峄噒 Nam t峄 n膬m 2019, trong khu么n kh峄 h峄 t谩c v峄沬 B峄 Gi谩o d峄 v脿 膼脿o t岷 v脿 峄 ban D芒n t峄檆, ngu峄搉 kinh ph铆 t峄 Qu峄 Malala v矛 Quy峄乶 h峄峜 t岷璸 c峄 tr岷 em g谩i do t岷璸 膽o脿n CJ t脿i tr峄.