Press release
Canada announces CA $1.5 million for strategic education in Jordan with UNESCO

09 July, 2019 – On the occasion of the G7 development ministerial meetings in Paris, France and the UNESCO International Conference, the Government of Canada announced CA $1.5 million to provide technical assistance to Jordan’s Ministry of Education (MoE) for the Education System Strengthening initiative, in partnership with UNESCO. The funds seek to support the improvement of evidence-based strategic policy-making, planning, monitoring and reporting, and coordination at the MoE.
Canada has been a strategic partner to UNESCO for education by providing generous funding to the Amman office’s education initiatives. In 2017, Canada supported the development of the first nationally owned Education Strategic Plan (2018-22).
UNESCO will be optimizing this new contribution towards education system strengthening over the next three years, supporting the MoE with enhanced capacities in evidence-based and data supported planning and policy making, through strengthened capacities in data collection, processing and utilization for monitoring, evaluation and reporting. In collaboration with experts and technical institutions, UNESCO will continue to foster the MoE’s capacity to maintain, manage and utilize the Education Management Information System platform while also expanding the MoE’s core functions of planning and budgeting, monitoring and reporting, research and evaluation, data and information management, and development cooperation.
The Education System Strengthening initiative will bolster the MoE’s capacity to implement, monitor, evaluate and report on activities and results achieved, as reflected in the 5-year Education Strategic Plan, which stems from the National Strategy for Human Resource Development, and which will contribute to the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and in particular, SDG 4. The leadership and ownership of all components remain with the Government of Jordan and the Ministry of Education.
This pledge complements Canada’s commitment to provide CA $75 million over five years in budget support to Jordan’s Ministry of Education for the implementation of the Education Strategic Plan.
The Education System Strengthening initiative will also provide technical assistance to the relevant MoE units to galvanize support for the Gender Equality strategy in education.
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Background information:
UNESCO is the United Nations educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization. It seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in the 2030 Agenda, adopted by the UN General Assembly. UNESCO exists to bring collective intelligence to life, mobilizing education, culture, the sciences and information to build sustainable solutions to global challenges. UNESCO’s mission in Jordan is to work with the government of Jordan and other stakeholders to provide effective high quality educational, scientific, cultural and communication programmes.
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