
Call for Video Clips to Celebrate the 2021 World Teachers’ Day in Bangladesh

Teachers at the Heart of Education Recovery
Deadline to Submit the Video Clips: 24 October 2021
Since 1994, the world has celebrated World Teachers’ Day every October 5 to commemorate the anniversary of the adoption of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers, which sets benchmarks regarding the rights and responsibilities of teachers, and standards for their initial preparation and further education, recruitment, employment, and teaching and learning conditions. It also contains numerous recommendations for teacher participation in educational decision-making through social dialogue and negotiation with educational authorities.
One and a half years into the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2021 World Teachers’ Day will focus on the support that teachers need to fully contribute to the recovery process under the theme “Teachers at the heart of education recovery”, particularly to address learning losses among their students, to incorporate digital technology into their teaching and to safeguard their health and wellbeing for fostering resilience.
In Bangladesh, despite the many challenges posed by the sudden shift to distance learning, teachers played a critical role in maintaining learning continuity during the 18-month school closure caused by Covid-19. Following the school reopening from 12 September 2021, teachers are on the frontline to ensure safe school reopening and contribute to the delivery of blended education to compensate for the learning losses of students to the extent possible.
The Ministry of Education (MoE), Ministry of Primary and Mass Education (MoPME), Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE), Directorate of Primary Education (DPE), Directorate of Madrasah Education (DME), Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) and a2i ICT Division, in partnership with the UNESCO Office in Dhaka, are joining hands to celebrate the 2021 WTD. As part of the celebration of the WTD 2021 in Bangladesh, UNESCO Dhaka Office and a2i ICT Division are calling for video clips from teachers to mark teachers’ innovation in challenging times of Covid-19 and also to increase teachers’ participation in open discussion and decision-making at the education recovery stage.
To celebrate the 2021 WTD, all teachers from Bangladesh are invited to share with us a video clip that responds to ONE of the following themes:
 Teachers’ role in blended education: How can teachers transition and transform their current education strategies to blended education during recovering from the Covid-19? What concrete and easy-to-replicate strategies may be utilized? What support do teachers need?
Teachers’ health and wellbeing: How teachers’ health and wellbeing have been affected during the pandemic? What concrete and easy-to-replicate measures including the use of scientific information and knowledge may be utilized to safeguard teachers’ health and wellbeing as frontline workers? What support do teachers need?
Guidelines for Submitting a Video Clip
a) Who can participate: 
Teachers who wish to submit the video clips should be the teachers of educational institutions and universities in Bangladesh. 
One teacher can submit a maximum of one video clip responding to one of the two themes mentioned above.
No limited number of teachers from an institution who wish to participate in video clip submission.
b) How to produce the video clips:
Teachers who wish to join this programme should produce the video/lecture clips in multimedia format for 5-7 minutes (Should not be over 7 minutes) that respond to the guide questions.
The video clips must be in Bangla or English.
The video clips must be uploaded on YouTube or Google Drive through which a link can be created and shared with us.
For the best viewing experience, it is recommended to use a 16:9 ratio (horizontal) while producing the video.
An introduction should include: Institution logo (if available), Teacher’s name, position, institution, Title/topic of the video clip.
At the end of the video, credits and acknowledgement are recommended to be included.
c) How to submit the clips and deadline
The deadline for submission of the clips is on 24 October 2021 (midnight, Bangladesh time).
Video clips must be submitted through this link.
d) Permission to publicize the video clips
Teachers should allow the organizers to publicize the video clips at the Teachers’ Portal, official website, social media and other online platforms of UNESCO Dhaka Office and a2i.
Teachers should allow the organizers to store their video clips at the Teachers’ Portal in compliance with the CC license.
Findings from those video content will be incorporated in 5 pillars of Blended education framework.
e) Criteria for selecting the video clips (Marks in percentage)
Interesting and innovative content 30%
Practical skills embedded and easy to understand 30%
Creativity in presentation 20%
Usefulness and relevance 20%
Total 100%
Certificate and incentive
All teachers who will submit video clips that meet the requirements in the guidelines will receive a “Certificate of Appreciation” signed by the UNESCO Dhaka Office and a2i.
Each of the top 20 winners of the call for video clips will receive a tablet provided by Huawei Technologies in Bangladesh. Huawei Technologies is a member of UNESCO’s Global Education Coalition. As a localized leading global ICT solutions provider in Bangladesh since 1998, Huawei has supported several ICT in education initiatives, including the Seeds for the Future Program and ICT Competition, ICT Mobile Training Bus Project, Digi-school Programme and ICT Academy.
Follow-up webinars Two follow-up webinars on teachers’ role in blended education and teachers’ health and wellbeing respectively will be organized in October and November 2021 to showcase good practices emerging from the video clips collections. The webinars will be another platform to further the discussion on blended education and teachers’ health and wellbeing among stakeholders including teachers.
Mr Shakil Ahmed,, UNESCO Dhaka Office
Avijit Saha, a2i, ICT Division, Dhaka